@extends('layouts.admin.app') @section('title', translate('reCaptcha Setup')) @push('css_or_js') @endpush @section('content')

{{ translate('third_party') }}


{{ translate('Google Recapcha Information') }}

{{ translate('Credentials_SetUp') }}
@php($config = \App\CentralLogics\Helpers::get_business_settings('recaptcha'))

{{ translate('Instructions') }}

  1. {{ translate('Go to the Credentials page') }} ({{ translate('Click') }} {{ translate('here') }})
  2. {{ translate('Add a ') }} {{ translate('label') }} {{ translate('(Ex: Test Label)') }}
  3. {{ translate('Select reCAPTCHA v2 as ') }} {{ translate('reCAPTCHA Type') }} ({{ \App\CentralLogics\translate("Sub type: I'm not a robot Checkbox") }} )
  4. {{ translate('Add') }} {{ translate('domain') }} {{ translate('(For ex: demo.6amtech.com)') }}
  5. {{ translate('Check in ') }} {{ translate('Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service') }}
  6. {{ translate('Press') }} {{ translate('Submit') }}
  7. {{ translate('Copy') }} Site Key {{ translate('and') }} Secret Key, {{ translate('paste in the input filed below and') }} Save.
{{-- Modal --}}
@endsection @push('script_2') @endpush